This is a basic osint tool for finding subdomains via alternate names set in TLS certificates.

There seem to be many osint tools which use wordlists to find subdomains.
Looking up alternate names in certificates is a lot quicker.

Features #

Interesting Fields #

If you work with TLS certificates you will know they contain a lot of information and have various sections & fields.

One interesting field is Subject Alternative Name which can provide all subdomains that can use the certificate. (unless the company uses a wildcard certificate)

A lot of people are using letsencrypt which does not support wildcard certificates.
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:

This is the main field the script will try to extract.

A lot of domains will have multiple servers & services which can all share the same certificate.

We can exploit this when gathering information on a companies systems to find otherwise hidden servers & also possibly finding IP addresses which are behind things like reverse proxies or firewalls (eg: cloudflare).

A lot of people forget to block traffic to webservers behind cloudflare.
I wrote a script to do this in 2014 - Blog Post - Cloudflare Iptables.

Inspecting TLS Via CLI #

You can view a certificate in the commandline by using openssl s_client.
We want to see the X509 extensions so need to extend the output using the x509 flag.

openssl s_client -connect | openssl x509 -text

This results in a wall of text which is annoying to scroll through when looking for relevant fields.

Mailservers #

Most mailservers support TLS and allow upgrading to TLS over SMTP.
We can use this to gather more information.

If a company hosts their own email servers they will likely not be behind a reverse proxy so this can give more insight compared to HTTPS.

This is still completely dependant on whether they use shared TLS certificates.

Example Script Output #

[+] Getting TLS over HTTPS for  [  ]
[+] Checking for Subject Alt Names

Download #

The project can be viewed and downloaded from github.
