After rebuilding a few VMs the other day I noticed on doing a new install of Windows 10 it seemed impossible to download & install firefox using Microsoft Edge Browser.
It seemed windows was blocking execution of any exe downloaded via Edge.

I ended up using Powershell to download the installer using Invoke-WebRequest.

I then automated it by creating a powershell script to download & install the latest stable version of Mozilla Firefox.
This removes any requirement to use Microsoft Edge.

I remove Microsoft Edge on a new install of Windows 10 using rem-msedge.ps1 (available on github)

Firefox Install Script #

firefox_logo powershell_logo

The script uses Invoke-WebRequest to download the latest build of firefox available.

📝 Microsoft Powershell Docs Invoke-WebRequest

Download #

The full script can be downloaded from my windows repo on github.

firefox-inst.ps1 windows