
I've updated my windows tweak scripts to reflect changes in Windows 10 21H2.
There are new features & changes with 21H2 which effect the way the scripts work.

Windows 10 21H2 Changes #

Windows Cleanup #

The main addition to scripts is cleanup-windows.ps1.
This script removes unwanted apps, features & sponsored apps.

Microsoft Apps Removed #

  • BingWeather
  • OneNote
  • Office Hub
  • Solitaire Collection
  • People
  • Skype
  • Windows Maps
  • Zune Music
  • Zune Video
  • Bubble Witch
  • Candy Crush
  • Dolby
  • Duolingo
  • Facebook
  • Flipboard
  • Pandora
  • Royal Revolt
  • Spotify
  • Sway
  • Twitter
  • Wunderlist

Features #

Windows 10 21H2 Information #

Notes #

Cortana can now be removed in add/remove programs.
This means there is no need for the Cortana removal scripts (they can still be found in the old folder).

You may also want to remove additional features like Windows Hello Face & Windows Meet Now.

Download #

The tweak scripts can be downloaded from my windows repo on github.
