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I want to setup my syndication feed to display an excerpt for each post as most tech blogs I subscribe to do this.

With eleventy-base-blog atom feed generation is done using a njk template with permalink set to feed.xml so I decided to create an excerpt njk filter.

Implementing Excerpt #

This filter does a few things

  // Excerpt filter (used for atom feed)
  eleventyConfig.addFilter('excerpt', (post) => {
    const content = post
      .replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, '')
      .split(' ')
      .slice(0, 80)
      .join(' ')
    return content

Take an input, remove all html tags, split it using spaces as seperator (to give us words), then use slice to take the first 80 items, then join it all back again to give a output to return.

Add Summary Field #

Next step is to add the summary field using the filter & remove the old content field.

-    <content type="html">{{ post.templateContent | transformWithHtmlBase(absolutePostUrl, post.url) }}</content>
+    <summary type="html">{{ post.templateContent | transformWithHtmlBase(absolutePostUrl, post.url) | excerpt | safe }}</summary>

Now the feed should have a summary for each post using the excerpt filter.

Source Code #

The source for my 11ty blog is available on github.
